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Phoenix Discs at Maple Hill!

When Mike Solt, MrDiscGolf posted he was going to run an event at Maple Hill I could not wait to play it.  It was a Womens Global Event with over 60 Women, and I was lucky enough to get in to play with the 30 men that filled the last few spots.  When he approached me to make 90 custom minis for the tournament I was even more excited.  Rather than make 90, I made 120 minis so everyone would have a choice.  Even though I found the OB ropes way to many times at Maple Hill, I had an awesome time playing, and even more more fun meeting many new people.  The minis were a hit as part of the excellent players pack, and someone finally hit an ace this year.  She went home with the ACE pot and the Ace trophy.  Was an awesome time!!

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